Loosely based on the smaller shear reduction devices, this much larger version boasts a 3/4" rope capacity and an incredible MBS of 35,000 lbs. The Holdway Friction Device is simply a mid-line attachable friction block. It can be used in place of a rigging ring when mid-line attachment is needed or in place of a rigging block when more friction is needed at a rigging point … or both. It offers a much better bend radius than most other devices - especially rigging rings. Bend radius is an important safety consideration often overlooked in rigging. This larger bend radius allows more of the fibers of the rope to safely share the load. Unlike other devices that have to be threaded into the rope, the Holdway can be inserted and removed midline. The hard coated, non-moving half sheave, allows additional friction when lowering heavy loads. Integrated slic pin/shackle assembly assures pin cannot be lost at height, also make for a convenient 'racking' point.
Rope Capacity |
Size |
Weight |
Efficiency |
35000lbs |
3/4" |
8 1/4 x 5 1/4in |
3.10lb |
n/r |