Be prepared for first aid care and survival in any setting--at home, on the road, outdoors, while boating, hiking, or camping. From performing CPR on an adult, child, or infant to dealing with bleeding and shock, cuts and broken bones, heart attacks, emergency childbirth, poisoning, drowning, scuba diving mishaps, wilderness survival, and natural disasters such as tornadoes, wildfires, floods, and earthquakes. This portable, waterproof guide helps you quickly find the information you need to develop a plan of action for assessing and treating all kinds of first aid and survival emergencies. A special feature includes pet safety describing how to assemble a pet first aid kit, performing CPR on a dog and cat, and keeping pets safe during natural disasters. Keep a copy in your home, car, boat, camper, or backpack and be "ready" when emergencies occur.
- CPR for adults, children, and infants
- Bleeding and shock
- Cuts and broken bones
- Heart attacks, including how to set up and use an AED
- Emergency childbirth
- Poisoning
- Drowning
- Scuba diving mishaps
- Wilderness survival techniques
- Natural disasters
- Pet safety and first aid, including doc and cat CPR
- And More...